Year 1 Child Trainee Courses and Readings


*All readings are grouped by the sessions they are assigned, if there are readings that are not posted here, they are available through PEP-Web.


Supplemental Readings and Documents for PDEV Infancy and Pre-Latency Development - Sessions 1 - 5

Session 1

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

Session 2

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

Session 3

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

Session 4

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

Beginning Discussion of your writes-up 

Session 5

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

Session 6

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar 

CH1 T1 S6 Shaw, Matthew (2023 in press). When the World Looms Large: The Drive to Develop in Adolescence and Analysis [WILL BE PROVIDED LATER BY INSTRUCTOR]

Session 7

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar  - Discussion with Dr. Callie Emery regarding the experience of writing her Colloquium reports. 

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency Development - Optional Readings

Session 8

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CHWS - Writing Seminar  - Continued discussion of participant write ups. 

Session 9

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development - Optional Readings

Session 10

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development

CH1 - Infancy and Pre-Latency-Development - Optional Readings